ARC Review: The Daddy Upgrade by Chara Croft (Dirty Daddies Pride 2022)
Dirty Daddies Pride 2022 by Rayanna Jamison Rating: 5 of 5 stars This review is for The Daddy Upgrade by Chara Croft Content Warnings for book: N/A Kink: Daddy kink, plush play, referenced off-screen age play What a sweet and adorable novella! Chara Croft's writing in this is amazing as usual. I didn't see any errors or issues, but beyond that, I loved how you could tell the difference between each POV, as Croft always has this unique way of tapping into the voices of her characters through language choices and the way their thoughts come onto page. Ollie and Yves were so sweet together. I hated Grant and the way he treated Ollie, so I am very happy that Yves found him and helped him out. We get a kink awakening here with Ollie being new to being a little, while Yves is an experienced daddy. Unfortunately there is no on-page ageplay or exploration of the non-sexual little side, but we do get plenty of sweet heat with this. The bedroom scenes were hot, especially with the...