Review: Twice Bitten (Javier Coven 3) by Jayda Marx


Twice Bitten by Jayda Marx

Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars

Content Warnings for book: Gun violence, blood, gore

Kink: Bondage, group sex

Twice Bitten by Jayda Marx is the final in the Javier Coven series, featuring Sam and the twins Flynn and Fletcher. We get ourselves a MMM romance where the twins have romantic feelings for Sam, but not with each other.

This was a funny read because the antics of the vampires and Sam's humor are hilarious to me. I chuckled a lot and enjoyed the back and forth. These two come together in typical Jayda fashion: just a moment of sadness and then it is all fixed up. There's a lot more jealousy between the twins than I expected, which was interesting. However, I found the sex scenes lacking a tad in feeling all the details of whatever was doing was included.

I'm sad to see this found vampire family come to an end, but thankfully there's a spin-off where we see them again!

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