Review: The Omega's Secret Pregnancy (Men of Meadowfall #1) by Anna Wineheart


The Omega's Secret Pregnancy by Anna Wineheart

Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

Content Warnings for book: Bullying, violence, pregnancy, birthing, slutshaming, sexual harassment, classism, off-page parental death, suicidal ideation

Kink: Public sex, knotting, spanking

The Omega’s Secret Pregnancy is an angsty second chance romance, featuring childhood friends Kade and Felix who’s lies and built up guilt come to the forefront — and of course, let’s throw in a baby.

For one, kudos to Anna Wineheart making me love tropes and drama that I usually wouldn’t read in another book. There are miscommunications, painful decisions, angst, and second chance romance all which are things I don’t usually prefer in my books. However, even with this book that’s not as polished as her newer work, I was pulled in from the beginning. Not only does she capture emotion and tug on my heartstrings like an accomplished musician, but she makes the drama something you simultaneously read on for and despise in the same moment. It’s emotional.

Felix and Kade’s story begins in elementary school where they forged a friendship, and Kade has always protected Felix. When Kade learns about bonding marks, him and Felix exchange them — because even as children, they knew they’d be close and he wanted to protect him. We see glimpses of how their relationship developed from a close platonic bond to something romantic as they grew older, and it’s a sweet fifteen year journey. …However, we also learn how it all came to fall apart five years ago from the present. I won’t go into why, but ultimately it was neither of their own fault besides misguided responses to emotional abuse from Felix’s father. Felix does do things he shouldn’t have and things he needed to apologize for, but I could empathize with his worry.

This book is full of sex (and well-written!), scenting, protecting, and all the good stuff I enjoy in an omegaverse. These two take their time on actually admitting their feelings, and both of them are men who have these insecurities about what they mean to each other. Yet, Kade never abandons his vow to protect Felix. Felix keeps his pregnancy from Kade secret for awhile — and the lies he tells hurts them both. Yet, when everything comes to light, we see that it was worth it.

The journey had tears, but I absolutely loved this one. Highly recommend!

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